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Calculations Explained
Marco Fiumara avatar
Written by Marco Fiumara
Updated over a month ago

Calculation worksheets are formula-based templates needed to give evidence for your workpapers. We provide standard templates to accomodate for scenarios out of the box, but we can also work with your firm to develop calculation worksheets for more specific requirements.

Calculation worksheets are attached to the other schedules section of your workpaper.

✅ Has

❌ Does not have

  • Breadcrumb navigation

  • Worksheet information

    • Name and Description

    • Status

    • Tag

    • Assigned

  • Action buttons

    • Navigation arrows

    • Review/un-review

    • Exclude/include

    • Tab Icons

  • Trial balance information:

    • Code

    • Description

    • Type

    • Current Amount

    • Last Year Amount

    • Variance

    • Unreconciled Amount

  • Action Buttons:

    • View transactions

Tabbed Content:

Tabbed Content:



Below is an example of one of our calculation worksheets, the Company Tax Rec.

All worksheets follow a similar format which can be seen in the Worksheet Overview article.

The high level structure is split into three sections.

  • Header: Information about the worksheet

  • Tabbed content: Fields, Checklists, Files, History,

  • Sidebar: Internal comments, client queries and review conditions

However the reconciliation worksheet, generic worksheet and calculation worksheet each have unique aspects.

The unique aspects of a calculation worksheet are:

  • Tags in the header section

  • Fields in the tabbed content


Like report codes in the trial balance, Tags are needed to specify the location a checklist item should appear.

E.g. The report code ASS.CUR.CAS.BAN will attach a checklist item to the Business Bank Account in the trial balance.

Report codes are pulled from Xero or imported; however, Tags are unique to your calculation worksheets.

E.g. CTR is the tag for Company Tax Rec

This means you can use the Tag "CTR" in your existing checklist templates to add checklist items to this calculation worksheet.


The first tab on the calculation worksheet is Fields. This is the core of the calculation worksheets where information can be entered to perform calculations and complete the worksheet.

The calculation worksheet has several key elements.



An input that has a name, type and value (shown in red below). A field can be any of the following types: money, date, text, number, percentage, or calculation.

Calculation Field

Calculation fields (shown in blue above) have a grey background for the value with a (x) icon, with the value being automatically filled-in based on configurations built-in to the template. These cannot be edited by users, but may be edited on request. Calculations can be overridden, which will be indicated on the worksheet.


A section bundles related fields together, allowing for a field (such as total) to be pinned and visible when a section is collapsed. Pinned fields are great for quick reviewing of the key information in a section.

(Section expanded)

(Section collapsed)

Section Group

A way to conceptually group sections, fields, and tables together.


A collection of x number of Items that are all identical in structure. These Items can be added and removed when completing the custom worksheet.

An example of a calculation worksheet that utilities a List is Uniform Capital Allowances (blackhole expenses). Each expense has:

  • Amount,

  • Start date,

  • End date

  • Amortisation schedule.

This structure is consistent for each expense. You can use the New button to add more expenses. You can then navigate to each item (expense) in the List by using the Navigation sidebar, or switch between items via the Items dropdown.


A table with columns based on configurations built-in to the template. Each column has a type indicated by the icon in the column header. You can add rows as you need.

Some tables have calculations that are performed, such as incrementing dates, totalling of rows, etc. that will execute as you add rows.

Some tables may also have a summary row, that performs aggregations, such as SUM, on a column.

Search Bar

The search bar at the top of the Fields tab can be used to search for elements in a worksheet. This allows you to find what you need quickly, making it seamless to find specific elements in large worksheets.

Eg. Searching for the Tax Rate in the Company Tax Rec.

Collapse/Expand All

To the left of the Search bar are two buttons that are quick actions, allowing you to Collapse/Expand​ all collapsable content like sections and tables.

Navigation sidebar

The navigation sidebar on the right-hand side is like a table of contents, allowing you to jump to specific fields and see the completion status of elements.

To assist with tracking down what work is remaining, you can also toggle to Hide completed, which will then only show outstanding elements. This sidebar can also be collapsed via the arrow button in the upper-right corner to give you some more screen space!

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