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Checklists Explained
Hannah Olsson avatar
Written by Hannah Olsson
Updated over 2 months ago

Checklists are pre-defined tasks attached to worksheets rather than the workpaper as a whole. These tasks are linked to worksheets through report code mapping and tags, ensuring they are specific to the type of worksheet being worked on. This prevents unnecessary clutter and ensures a focused workflow.

โ„น๏ธ Note: As an example, a default worksheet with the report code ASS.CUR.CAS.BAN could have two checklist items:

  • Attach bank reconciliation

  • Attach a copy of the bank statement verifying the balance.

Why Are Checklists Important?

Checklists are essential for maintaining accuracy, relevance, and efficiency in your default worksheets.

  • Ensures Relevance: By linking to report codes and tags, checklists only display items specific to the account type, avoiding irrelevant tasks.

  • Improves Organisation: Provides a clear framework for what needs to be completed for each account.

  • Reduces Errors: Checklist items prompt team members to complete all necessary tasks accurately and consistently.

๐Ÿ’ก Tip: Use the default checklist templates provided by Cimplico as a starting point and refine them based on your firms ideal processes.

How Do Checklists Work?

  1. Setup:

    • Checklists are configured at the firm level.

    • They are linked to report codes or a custom tag to ensure checklist items are specific to the type of default worksheet (account) or generic worksheet.

  2. Application to Worksheets:

    • Each default worksheet has the appropriate checklist items for the associated report code automatically displayed.

    • Generic worksheets with tags matching checklist items will automatically apply those items to the worksheet.

  3. Completion:

    • Team members completing a worksheet can mark each checklist item as complete as they address the corresponding task in the worksheet

    • Actions are recorded with a timestamp and user details to maintain accountability.

  4. Marking as Not Applicable:

    • If an item does not apply, it can be marked as not applicable (n/a) with a reason provided. This keeps the checklist focused on relevant tasks.

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