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Worksheets Explained
Marco Fiumara avatar
Written by Marco Fiumara
Updated over 2 months ago

What are worksheets?

The worksheet screen is one of the main components of Cimplico Workpapers, and is likely to be where the majority of work is conducted from. It's where the preparation work is done and is the vehicle for facilitating the evidencing process.

What's in a worksheet?

Every worksheet has three primary sections.

  • Header: Worksheet information and action buttons

  • Tabbed Content: Entries, Fields, Checklists, Journals, Files, History

  • Sidebar: Location for internal comments, client queries and review conditions

What are the types of worksheets?

  • Default Worksheets: Attached to all trial balance accounts at workpaper creation. Includes account information, entries for reconciliation and attaching files.

  • Generic Worksheets: Does not have account information to reconcile and is normally used to attached evidence that does not relate to an account. Eg. Permanent Files, Financial Statements, Tax Return, Other Notes.

Where are worksheets located?

Worksheets in Cimplico Workpapers are organised into two main areas based on their purpose:

  1. Trial Balance tab

    • Contains worksheets linked to specific accounts from your trial balance.

    • These are typically Default Worksheets, as they are automatically assigned, but they can be changed to Generic Worksheets if desired.

  2. Other Schedules tab

    • Houses Generic Worksheets for non-account-specific tasks.

    • Ideal for documenting and reviewing additional work that doesn’t directly tie to the trial balance.

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