Workpapers and worksheets are key components of Cimplico Workpapers, designed to help you organise and complete your jobs effectively. Here’s how they differ:
A workpaper represents the job or engagement as a whole. For example:
An annual compliance job that includes preparing financial statements and income tax returns.
A specific engagement requiring evidencing, calculations and verification
Each workpaper contains a collection of worksheets that break the job into manageable sections.
Worksheets are the individual components of a workpaper where most of the core work happens. This includes:
Attaching supporting evidence for specific accounts, using default worksheets.
Grouping together files and notes for a particular issue, using generic worksheets.
Performing reconciliations and calculations, by adding Calculations to a default or generic worksheet.
ℹ️ Note: You cannot create or have a worksheet without a workpaper. Worksheets always exist within a workpaper because they are tied to the broader engagement or job.