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Generic Worksheets
Marco Fiumara avatar
Written by Marco Fiumara
Updated over a week ago

Generic Worksheets

While different to a Default Worksheet, a Generic Worksheet does share several common elements/concepts with worksheets:

βœ… Has

❌ Does not have

  • Breadcrumb navigation

  • Worksheet information

    • Name and Description

    • Status

    • Assigned

  • Action buttons

    • Navigation arrows

    • Review/un-review

    • Exclude/include

    • Tab Icons

  • Trial balance information:

    • Code

    • Description

    • Type

    • Current Amount

    • Last Year Amount

    • Variance

    • Unreconciled Amount

  • Worksheet information

    • Tag

  • Action Buttons:

    • View transactions

Tabbed Content:

Tabbed Content:


All the common efficiency and governance tools available on a Default Worksheet, such as internal comments, reviewing, automatic status calculation, history, etc. are also present on a Generic Worksheet, except for Journals and Checklists.

Where entries on a Default worksheet are created to reconcile to the current amount, the Generic Worksheet entry does not have an amount. Instead, an entry facilitates the attachment of a file/files containing the relevant information required for preparation and review, along with the descriptive annotation.

Creating an entry

Once the Generic Worksheet is created, you can then click the New Entry button to create a new entry. A row will appear in the entries table with the following:

  • Date: The date defaults to the workpapers period end date, but this can be changed to match the date of the attached file(s).

  • Reference: Auto-assigned reference number. This will become useful when referring to specific entries in internal comments.

  • Description: A short description of the entry to provide context.

  • Attachments: One or more file attachments of your custom schedule (such as a pdf or spreadsheet).

New entry

Only a date is required to create an entry. Files can be added at any time. The process of adding files is identical to the process covered in Adding & referencing files on a worksheet.

Selecting an entry/entries via the checkbox, allows you to edit or delete an entry/entries.

Edit entry

Reviewing an Generic Worksheet

Reviewing a Generic Worksheet is similar to reviewing a Default Worksheet in that several factors must be satisfied to allow a Generic Worksheet to be reviewed. Where a Default Worksheet requires 3 criteria, Generic Worksheet only requires 1:

  1. Internal comments and client queries have adequately been answered.

Given this is satisfied, a Generic Worksheet can be reviewed.

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