Organisation accounts are locked on the specified payment date
This issue means that Sync tried to create a payment but the date of the payment is currently in a locked period in the Satellite entity. Sync will not be able to create this payment or any payments that are dated in a period that is locked in your Satellite entities.
To fix this issue:
Change the payment in the Group to be dated after the Satellite lock date period or remove the lock date from the Satellite entity.
Re-sync any events that failed because of this issue from the Events page in
You can read more about Lock Dates here.
Account type is invalid for making a payment to/from
Sync can only create payments to an account that is set up to accept payments in the Satellite entities. Every account in your Satellite entities that you wish to make payments to needs to able to accept payments.
To fix this issue:
Go to the Satellite entity's Chart of Accounts.
Find the account this payment was made to and click to edit its details.
Ensure that the checkbox labeled "Enable payments to this account" is checked
Repeat this step for all accounts causing this issue.
Re-sync any events that failed because of this issue from the Events page in
Cannot create payments as some accounts are missing account codes. Please ensure every account includes a code
Sync can only create payments to accounts that have an account code set in the Group and Satellite entities. If a payment is made to an account that does not have a code, the payment will not be created.
To fix this issue:
Go to the Group entity's Chart of Accounts.
Find the account this payment was made to and edit its details.
Ensure the account has a code set.
Repeat this step for all accounts causing this issue.
Re-sync any events that failed because of this issue from the Events page in
The document date cannot be before the period lock date
This issue means that Sync tried to remove a payment but the payment is dated during a locked period in the Satellite entity. Sync will not be able to remove this payment or any payments that are dated during a locked period.
To fix this issue:
Change the payment in the Group to be dated after the Satellite lock date period or remove the lock date from the Satellite entity.
Re-sync any events that failed because of this issue from the Events page in
You can read more about Lock Dates here.
Unable to delete payment: Payments within a batch cannot be deleted
This issue occurs when Sync finds a payment in the Satellite entity that it needs to delete but cannot do so as the payment belongs to a batch.
Sync won't create Batch Payments so this issue is likely due to someone manually creating a batch payment in the Satellite entity. As this payment in the Group entity does not exist, Sync will attempt to remove the payment from the Satellite to re-align the entities. If you do not resolve this issue, no further payments can be processed for that invoice.
To fix this issue:
Go to the Satellite entity and find the batch payment.
βRemove this batch payment from the invoice.
βRe-do the payment through the Group entity so Sync can sync it correctly.
Having trouble? Contact Support