ℹ️ Note: The below article is for our product, Cimplico Sync.
Please enter a unique Code, Please enter a unique Name
Sync will attempt to create accounts in your Satellite entities if it cannot find them. It will attempt to find accounts via their account code. If no account is found, Sync will 'copy' the account from the Group entity to the Satellite entity. The main reason you will see this issue is if there is already an account in your Satellite entity that has the same name as the account Sync is trying to create. Both the code and the name must be unique in Xero.
To fix this issue:
Go to the Chart of Accounts in your Satellite entity.
Find the account that has the conflicting name.
Either rename it or change that account's code to match the Group entity.
Re-sync any events that failed because of this issue from the Events page on sync.cimplico.com.
Having trouble? Contact Support