The key differences between posting and drafting a journal in Cimplico Workpapers depend on whether you have a connected ledger or are using a manual trial balance:
Posting a Journal
For connected ledgers (e.g., Xero):
Posting sends the journal directly to the connected ledger, updating the client’s file.
For manual (CSV) trial balances:
Posting finalises the figure in the trial balance but does not send it anywhere externally.
Drafting a Journal
Drafting adjusts trial balance figures within Cimplico Workpapers only and does not impact the connected ledger or external files.
Worksheets will show both the original and adjusted figures if journals remain in draft status.
Key Considerations
Finalisation: Draft journals must be either posted or voided to finalise a workpaper.
Permissions: Depending on your workpaper settings, preparers may not have the ability to post journals.