When dealing with inter-entity balances, such as related party loans or distributions, you can use a simple workaround to provide clear references between entities.
Referencing inter-entity balances with a URL
Copy the URL: Navigate to the worksheet in the related entity, copy its URL, and paste it into the current entity’s worksheet.
Repeat for both entities: Add the current entity’s worksheet URL to the related entity’s worksheet for a two-way reference. This way the reviewer is able to view the other entities balance for that loan on the other side.
Other options
Files as references: If figures like distributions are already detailed in a file, reference that document instead of duplicating it. A single file can be attached and referenced across multiple worksheets and multiple entities.
Future improvements: An inter-entity loan worksheet is in the Cimplico Workpapers roadmap, which will make managing and referencing inter-entity balances much easier.