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Manage users
Marco Fiumara avatar
Written by Marco Fiumara
Updated over a week ago

Now that you've created your firm, let's get your staff invited!

Users in your firm can assume one of three roles:

  • Firm Administrator: The admin has full control over Cimplico Workpapers and firm settings, including groups, entities, workpapers, templates, users, firm details, integrations and billing.

  • Manager: Managers have similar access but with restrictions on firm-level integrations and no access to billing & subscription details.

  • User: Standard users can create groups, entities, and workpapers but have limited access to firm settings.

Cimplico Workpapers also allows you to invite External users into your firm, which may represent an auditor or a contracted worker.

  • External User: External users are invited from outside the firm to read or edit specific workpapers, without access to other resources beyond their assignment.

We cover External Users further at the end of this article.

Viewing your users

Once you log in, you'll be greeted with the Firm Management view, where you can see your firm insights and manage your Groups, Entities, and Workpapers.

Firm management

Don't worry, we'll cover everything soon, but let's start with users. Click the cog icon in the top right to head to the firm settings. Click the Users tab to see your list of current users along with their basic information and roles. Additionally, you can invite new users, and see your pending invites under the Invites tab.

Users section

Inviting users

Let's start with adding a user. Click the Add Users button. You'll be directed to a form (see below) allowing you to add new users and assign them a role. You can add as many users as you want here. To save time we also can invite users in bulk by selecting the Bulk option.

Inviting users - select "Individual" to add one-by-one

Once you've invited all your users, you can click the Invitations tab to view your pending invites.


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Creating an invite will send an email to the user, allowing them to join your firm. Ensure the emails entered are correct; however, you can revoke invitations from the Invitations tab before the user accepts.

Changing roles & removing users from your firm

From the Users tab, as the firm administrator, you can select one or many users to edit roles or remove users from the firm in bulk.

Edit or remove

Changing firm admin

From the Details tab, as the firm administrator, you will have the ability to select a different user from the dropdown to change firm ownership.

Change firm admin

External Users

You may invite External Users to your firm through the traditional invite process we walked through earlier; however, you may also invite External Users as you allocate them to workpapers either as a Preparer/Reviewer, or as a Guest. Let's see what this looks like:


Say you had contracted someone to assist with the preparation of a large job that you're working on in Cimplico Workpapers, but you didn't want them to see all of your firm's jobs. This is the perfect opportunity to invite them in as an External User and assign them as a Preparer or Reviewer.

To do this, head to the Settings page from within a workpaper. Under the Assigned heading you can use the Preparer select or Reviewer select to either select an existing External User, or simply type their email to invite and allocate in a single action.


In the event that you would like to give read-only access to a workpaper, you can add a user as a Guest. This is a great option if your auditor would like direct access to either a live file or a completed file.

To add a guest, head to the Settings page from within a workpaper. Under the Assigned heading you can use the Guests select to either select an existing External User, or simply type their email to invite and allocate in a single action.

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