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What limitations are there for outsourced staff?
Hannah Olsson avatar
Written by Hannah Olsson
Updated over 3 months ago

The limitations for outsourced staff in Cimplico Workpapers are determined by the permissions they are granted at firm and workpaper level. These permissions depend on your firm’s relationship with the outsourcing provider and their level of integration.

For Highly Integrated Arrangements

If your firm wants outsourced staff to have broader access beyond their assigned workpapers, they should be added as Users at the firm level. This setup allows them to:

  • Access all non-private workpapers across the firm, such as last year’s workpapers, to gain context or background information about a client.

  • View all entities and groups in the firm, even if they aren’t assigned to those entities, to find relevant information or context.

  • Access files saved at the group level, rather than being restricted to files saved only within specific workpapers.

💡Tip: This level of access is ideal for outsourcing arrangements where staff may need to work more independently and explore additional resources to complete their tasks effectively.

For Less Integrated Arrangements

Outsourced staff working on a job-by-job basis with less system integration should be added as External Users. This setup maintains a clear boundary between their contributions and your firm’s broader operations.

External Users can:

  • Only access workpapers that they are assigned to

  • Only access the entities whose workpapers they are assigned to

  • Only access files located in the workpapers they are assigned to

💡 Tip: This setup is ideal for maintaining boundaries between your firm’s operations and their contributions.

Workpaper Permissions

Regardless of whether outsourced staff are added as External Users or Users, their permissions within a workpaper are determined by the role assigned to them. For example:

  • If assigned as a Preparer, they can prepare worksheets, complete checklists, and collaborate through comments.

  • If assigned as a Reviewer, they can review worksheets and tick off reviewer-specific procedures.

  • If assigned as an Approver, they can approve and finalise workpapers. Their workpaper-level access is always aligned with the responsibilities and limitations of their assigned role.

ℹ️ Note: If users are added as external users, they may not be able to utilise FYI files.

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