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Cimplico + FYI Overview
Marco Fiumara avatar
Written by Marco Fiumara
Updated over 10 months ago

Connect FYI to Cimplico Workpapers to streamline your file referencing process. The integration also provides for seamless onboarding of entities, groups, and users.

Bulk add entities

Streamline the adding of new entities to Cimplico Workpapers by selecting entities in bulk to create from FYI. If entities are grouped, and groups onboarded from FYI already exist in the system, they will be automatically linked to the group.

Bulk add groups

Streamline the adding of new groups to Cimplico Workpapers by selecting groups in bulk to create from FYI. If there are existing entities within the group that have been onboarded from FYI, they will be automatically linked to the group.

Bulk add users

The integration allows you to select users from FYI in bulk to send invites to from within Cimplico Workpapers. Cimplico Workpapers will attempt to match roles between the two systems; however, this and the user's email can be manually overridden if desired.

Auto-file documents to a workpaper

When creating a workpaper for an FYI-connected entity, you will have the ability to link the workpaper to an FYI Job, allowing Cimplico Workpapers to automatically pull documents into the system right onto the workpaper for simple and convenient referencing.

Auto-file documents to an entity

For files that may not tied to a specific FYI Job and are used across multiple workpapers, you may wish to not select a Job when filing the document in FYI. These documents will appear against the entity in Cimplico Workpapers, and can be referenced easily within any workpaper.

Select additional documents for filing

When you have documents that may be filed outside of the Workpapers cabinet in FYI that you would like included in Cimplico Workpapers, you can manually select these documents and file them where desired.

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