This process article explains how to edit the details of a workpaper in Cimplico Workpapers.
Step 1: Open the workpaper
Navigate to the Workpapers Page and open the desired workpaper.
On the left-hand navigation bar, click the Settings tab.
Step 2: Navigate to the details tab
Ensure you are on the Details tab within the Settings section.
Step 3: Edit workpaper details
You can update the following workpaper details:
Workpaper Name: Update using the text box. We recommend using a standard naming convention for consistency.
Period End Date: Use the date selector to update the reporting period’s end date.
Due Date: Use the date selector to update the workpaper’s due date.
Materiality Limit: Choose between a monetary ($) or percentage (%) limit using the dropdown and type the value.
💡Tip: To learn more about materiality limits, read What are materiality limits?
Trial Balance
Accounting Basis: Select the accounting basis (accrual or cash) from the dropdown.
ℹ️ Note: If a trial balance is included during setup, it cannot be removed later.
Step 4: Update assigned users
Adjust the roles of team members as follows:
Approvers: Can only be changed by the current approver or a firm administrator.
Reviewers: Add or remove users using the dropdown.
Preparers: Add or remove users using the dropdown.
Guests: Type the guest’s email address to invite them to the workpaper with read-only access.
💡Tip: To learn more about workpaper roles, read the article Workpaper Roles Explained.
Step 5: Adjust templates
Be cautious when updating templates, as changes may unmark existing procedures or checklist items.
Procedure Template: Select a new template from the dropdown.
Checklist: Select a new checklist from the dropdown.
Step 6: Configure security
In the Security section, adjust the following settings:
Private Access: Toggle Private to restrict the workpaper to assigned users and firm administrators.
Allow Preparers to Post Journals: Toggle this on if preparers are permitted to post journals directly to the client’s files.
Step 7: Save changes
Once you’ve made your edits, click Save to apply your changes.