In Cimplico Workpapers, there are three primary roles within a workpaper: Preparer, Reviewer, and Approver. This article outlines the key capabilities of each role and how they interact with the workpaper.
Overview of Workpaper Roles
While all roles can perform most actions—such as creating entries, adding internal comments, and managing client queries—the key differences lie in what each role is authorised to finalise:
Preparers, typically accountants, focus on preparing the workpaper and cannot perform review or approval tasks.
Reviewers, often managers or senior staff, are responsible for reviewing worksheets and ticking off reviewer procedures.
Approvers, usually partners, have the final authority to approve workpapers, tick off approver procedures, and complete the job.
ℹ️ Note: Anyone in the firm can contribute to non-private workpapers with preparer-level permissions, even if they are not formally assigned to the workpaper. This flexibility fosters collaboration and allows users to assist as needed, such as adding client documents or helping with specific accounts.
Role Privileges and Hierarchy
Further to the above, each role inherits the privileges of the roles below it:
Reviewers: Can perform all preparer tasks and additionally review worksheets and certify the workpaper as a reviewer.
Approvers: Can perform all reviewer tasks and additionally approve and certify the workpaper as an approver.
External Users
Guest Access: Has read-only access.
Assigned Role Access: If assigned as a preparer, reviewer, or approver, external users inherit the usual permissions of that role.